Small Smudge Stick
Small Smudge Stick
Made from white sage.
9cm long
Comes with instruction card.
1) Open all doors and windows of the designated space. Ensure the area is clean and well-ventilated in order to allow the negative energy and smoke to escape. It is important to firstly smudge yourself prior to smudging another object, space, or person.
Light the tip of your smudge stick and allow it to burn(approximately 3-10 seconds for White Sage, and up to 60 seconds for Palo Santo). Blow out the flame, allowing it to smolder and smoke.
3) Move the smudge stick around, allowing the smoke to fill the space or object of focus. Allow the scent to bring peace, calmness, and clarity throughout your ritual.
4) As you perform the cleansing ritual, repeat your intentions (either out loud or in your own mind), staying focused on the movement of the smoke and welcoming the shift of energy.
5) When you're finished, place the smudge stick on a fire-proof dish and allow it to cease smoking on its own.